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Menginstal Windows Xp SP2

Windows Xp merupakan suatu Sistem Operasi yang populer dan banyak di pakai oleh orang di seluruh dunia tidak termasuk Indonesia. Yang di miliki oleh Perusahaan Microsoft dan yang memiliki Perusahaan ini adalah Seorang Milioner asal Washington DC (Amerika Serikat) Bill Gate. Windows Xp sudah mengalami perubahan dari SO sebelum(Windows 97, 98, Me, 2000) yaitu keamanannya SO yang sudah mulai canggih dan memiliki fitur-fiturnya yang menarik membuat orang lebih banyak memakai Sistem Operasi ini.

Berikut saya akan memberikan sedikit Tips betapa mudahnya langkah-langkah menginstal Windows Xp tanpa harus mengeluarkan uang sebanyak 75000 hanya untuk sekali install.

Bahan-Bahan yg Diperlukan untuk Menginstal :
1. PC (Personal Computer).
2. Master CD Windows XP.
3. Optical Driver (CD-ROM/DVD-ROM)

1. Masukkan lah Cd Master Windows Xp kedalam Cd/DVD room, Setelah itu pergilah ke BIOS (biasanya untuk kesana tekan F1, del tergantung komputer kita juga). Jika sudah masuk ke dalam BIOS maka akan muncul tampilan seperti ini. Nb : Tidak semua BIOS sama tergantung Komputer yang kita pakai tapi tetap sama koq perintanya bedanya cuman tempat letak perintahnya.

2. Setelah itu arahkan pilihan pada boot dan pilih CD/DVD ROM, Kemudian simpan perubahan. Nb: Jangan pernah berpatokan pada ini karena ini belum tentu sama dengan komputer yang anda punya tapi tenang aja dia cuman beda-beda dikit contoh nya nama Boot Squeensy.

3. Setelah melakukan Save Setting tadi pada BIOS, Komputer akan restart pada saat restart inilah Akan keluar di layar monitor CD/DVD room booting dan ketika ini muncul segera tekan Spasi.

Muse Under Review (2010) – Unofficial Documentary DVD

Original Link
“This film looks at Muse’s entire career, and by using rare performance and interview footage of the band, contributions from their closest colleagues and from those who have witnessed and written about their journey, plus seldom seen photos, news reports, scene shoots and a range of other features, creates the finest documentary to date on this extraordinary band, the music they make and the lives they lead.
Includes exclusive interviews with former manager Safta Jaffrey, legendary producer John Leckie, band engineer Ric Peet, video director Mat Kirby, official biographer and NME writer Mark Beaumont and many other close confidantes.
What turns a good band into a great one is usually just the right mix of downright dedication, damned hard work and a special kind of talent which allows for the creation of music that will touch multiple generations. This is certainly the ingredient list which Muse have employed while creating a sound and image that has captured a fan-base larger than that of just about anyone else around at the moment.

download Muse – Live at Fuji Japan, July 30 2010 VIDEO pro shoot

Now, there is a good reason, of course, why Dom Howard was found in a motorcycle helmet on stage. He explained it to Crossbeat (thanks to Uchu for the translation):
Crossbeat: You made first appearance at Fuji Rock Festival in 2002, what left a deep impression on you?
Dom: The festival itself was amazing but personally I was struck with fear. (laughter) The cause of it was not the gig, the band, or the audience but insects! We played at Fuji several times but the last time (2007) was terrible. The worst gig I’ve ever had. The venue of the festival is an ski resort in forests in the mountains, so when all the lights on stage came on after nightfall, billions of insects got together all at once as if they had regarded them as the Moon. We were completely covered with insects on

Ilmu Komputer- mengubah flashdisk menjadi ram

menambah RAM komputer / memory komputer sekarang sudah tidak perlu mengeluarkan uang yang besar untuk membeli RAM..... saya memiliki cara yang lebih murah, dengan flash disk, kita bisa menambah memory komputer tanpa harus membeli RAM yang harganya mahal....

caranya mudah.... pertama kamu harus mendownload software yang dapat mengubah Flashdisk menjadi RAM. nama software tersebut adalah eboostr

caranya mudah.....
  1. exctrac file EBoostr.2.02.Build.424
  2. jalankan eboostr.exe

muse origin of chaos tour 2001 – Osterrocknacht

Everyone knows that I prefer these shows in their entirety, unedited between the songs if at all possible, instead of short, broken-down 10-minute-long YouTube versions. Here is something filmed in April 2001 in Dusseldorf Germany, — this is a full set from Osterrocknacht Festival.

Set list

  1. Micro Cuts
  2. New Born
  3. Showbiz
  4. Feeling Good
  5. Sunburn

download muse live rock am ring 2002 full set

Muse have performed at Rock am Ring Festival in Germany on the 18th of May 2002. It was their second appearance at the festival, first one being in 2000; unfortunately, I do not have any video recordings from ’00. Other appearances include 2004, 2007 and a scheduled one in 2010.
Rock am Ring 2002 is important to me because it contains one of the best known performances of Bliss and New Born. Also, in keeping with tradition of those years, a very early version of Hysteria was played long before it was included in the upcoming Absolution album (2003).

1. Space Dementia
2. Hysteria
3. New Born
4. Micro Cuts
5. Dead Star

download Muse – Radio 3 Incident, 2001

Have you ever done something just because someone told you that you couldn’t?
I bet you have; we all have at one point or another!
But if you are a new Muser and have no idea what the hell I am talking about, then the next video is for you. Muse’s live performance at Radio 3 in Madrid Spain in the spring of 2001 is a classic example of a much-needed young rebelliousness. Known as the “Radio 3 Incident”, this short gig is my favourite Muse from ’01.
What happened was that the band were asked not to swear during the live recording. Obviously, the manager/producer on the scene was unfamiliar with the band and not aware that Muse never normally swore in their music. The request angered Bellamy, who in retaliation proceeded to swear profusely during the second half of ‘Feeling Good’.
This is the only version of ‘Feeling Good’ in existence known to contain the words: “Fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking hell! Fucking, fucking little, fucking, fucking fuckers, yeah!” I must